The ATL COM module tarmedValidator provides methods to
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module
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This method has a Restful Webservice representation only! Method for collecting all service records junk wise of the resulting search space in one call without the necessity to call the record positioning methods and the appropriate properties of this interface. The services are returned as JSON array in junks of 50 records beginning with the supplied lStartRecordID, where the array starts with 1. Therefore, after getting the first junk, request the next by incrementing the lRecordID of the last array element and call GetServices again until the statusCode=NoContent. Alternatively, one might call the IMiscSearch::GetRecordCount method to get the size of the search space prior to call GetServices. |
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[POST] | /baseURL/ISearch/GetServices | ||
[JSON input data] | pISearch: lStartRecordID: |
longValue, //interface address longValue |
[JSON result array] | { plRecordID: pbstrCode: pbstrName255: pbstrName35: pbstrNamePopular: pbstrServiceType: pbstrMedicalInfo: pbstrTechnicalInfo: pbstrMechanicCode: pbstrUnitCode: pbstrUnit: pdUnitQuantity: pbstrAnaesthesiaRiskClass: pbstrTreatmentType: pbstrSection: pbstrChapter: peSexRequired: peSideRequired: pbstrKVGObligationCode: pdTP_MT: pdTP_TT: pdInternalFactor_MT: pdInternalFactor_TT: pdNumAssistants: pdServiceMin: pdPrePostServiceMin: pdFindingsMin: pdPlaceMin: pdChangeMin: pdAnaesthesiaMin: pdTP_Assistant: pbstrMasterCode: pbstrAdditionalServiceReferenceCode: peCanHaveAdditionalServices: peCanHaveAnasthesiaServices: peCanExpand: peHasMedicalRoleRestriction: peMedicalRoleRestriction: peHasAgeRestriction: pdRestrictionDaysFrom: pdRestrictionDaysTo: pdValidFrom: pdValidTo: pbStatus: |
longValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", longValue, longValue, "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", longValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, "stringISODateValue", "stringISODateValue", booleanValue }, |
[HTTP result status] | 200 | Return status 200 signals a successful method call | |
204 | Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached | ||
>= 400 | Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do. | ||
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[in] long | lStartRecordID | The starting recordID from which the junk of 50 records starts. The very first recordID is 1. | |
[out] long | *plRecordID | The RecordID of the current service record | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrCode | The code of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrName255 | The full name of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrName35 | The short name (maximum of 35 characters) of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrNamePopular | The popular name of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrServiceType | The service type of the currently focused service.
New feature: as of 1.1.2007 the value 'F' (aka service is in Swiss Francs instead of tax points) is returned for the newly included IAP services ("Belegarzt Tarif"). Therefore, such a service must be supplied with a tax point value of 1.0! |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrMedicalInfo | The medical information text of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrTechnicalInfo | The rechnical information text of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrMechanicCode | The mechanic code of the currently focused service
To translate the mechanic code into a human readable string, use the Icatalog::GetFirstMechanicCode method. PATCH: The returned code might possibly be appened with additional information like the service block, service groupe affilliation and/or gender relevance information when requested in the Isearch::SearchCode or Isearch::SearchAdditionalService methods. E.g.when search for Isearch::SearchCode("00.0150#SB#SG#SEX",enYes) the code "01#SB01#SG18#SG58#SEX0" is returned, meaning that the service 00.0150
[out] BSTR | *pbstrUnitCode | The unit code of the currently focused service
cf. Unit in Icatalog interface for an indepth description. |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrUnit | The unit name (base unit) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdUnitQuantity | The quantity of base units that are included in the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrAnaesthesiaRiskClass | The maximal anaesthesia risk class code of the currently focused service.
cf. AnaesthesiaRiskClassType enumeration for possible values, an empty value indicates that the sevice does normally not need anaesthesia. |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrTreatmentType | The treatment type of the currently focused service
cf. TreatmentType enumeration for possible values, an empty value indicates that the treatment type does not matter. |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrSection | The section code of the currently focused service
cf. Icatalog interface for an indepth description. |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrChapter | The chapter code that the currently focused service belongs to | |
[out] YesNoType | *peSexRequired | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service requires the sex information (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] YesNoType | *peSideRequired | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service requires the side information (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrKVGObligationCode | The KVG obligation code of the currently focused service
cf. ICatalog interface for an indepth description. |
[out] double | *pdTP_MT | The medical tax point (TP_MT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdTP_TT | The technical tax point (TP_TT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdInternalFactor_MT | The internal scaling factor of the medical part of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdInternalFactor_TT | The internal scaling factor of the technical part of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdNumAssistants | The number of assistants needed for applying the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdServiceMin | The defined minutes of the medical part of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdPrePostServiceMin | The defined minutes for the ante and post treatment of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdFindingsMin | The defined minutes for making any findings of the currently focused service
cf. Tarmed documentation for an indepth description. |
[out] double | *pdPlaceMin | The defined minutes in the context of room or location utilization of the currently focused service
cf. Tarmed documentation for an indepth description. |
[out] double | *pdChangeMin | The defined minutes in the context of change time of the currently focused service
cf. Tarmed documentation for an indepth description. |
[out] double | *pdAnaesthesiaMin | The defined minutes of an anaesthesia of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdTP_Assistant | The tax points (TP) for the assistant part of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrMasterCode | The master or parent code if the currently focused service is a slave service or empty otherwise | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrAdditionalServiceReferenceCode | A reference code attached to the currently focused service and obtained by a SearchAdditionalService call. | |
[out] YesNoType | *peCanHaveAdditionalServices | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service can have additional services/reference services (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] YesNoType | *peCanHaveAnasthesiaServices | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service can have anaesthesia services attachted (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] YesNoType | *peCanExpand | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service can be expanded (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] YesNoType | *peHasMedicalRoleRestriction | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service has a medical role restriction (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] MedicalRoleType | *peMedicalRoleRestriction | The defined medical role restriction if and only if peHasMedicalRoleRestriction=enYes. The medical role restriction is undefined if peHasMedicalRoleRestriction=enNo. | |
[out] YesNoType | *peHasAgeRestriction | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service has a age restriction (enYes) or not (enNo). | |
[out] double | *pdRestrictionDaysFrom | The lower bound of the restriction in days if and only if peHasAgeRestriction=enYes. The value is undefined if peHasAgeRestriction=enNo. | |
[out] double | *pdRestrictionDaysTo | The upper bound of the restriction in days if and only if peHasAgeRestriction=enYes. The value is undefined if peHasAgeRestriction=enNo. | |
[out] DATE | *pdValidFrom | The validity start date of the currently focused service | |
[out] DATE | *pdValidTo | The validity end date of the currently focused service | |
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL | *pbStatus | Boolean return status | |
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