The ATL COM module tarmedValidator provides methods to
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
browse, search & validate records of the Tarmed tariff
API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module
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This method has a Restful Webservice representation only! Method for collecting all data of the currently focused service in one call without the necessity to call the appropriate properties of this interface. The counterpart method to add services is ITarmedValidator::AddService |
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[POST] | /baseURL/IValidate/GetService | ||
[JSON input data] | pIValidate: | longValue, //interface address |
[JSON result data] | plID: pbstrCode: pbstrReferenceCode: pbstrName255: pbstrName35: pbstrNamePopular: pdQuantity: plSessionNumber: pdDate: pdTP_MT: pdTP_TT: pdInternalFactor_MT: pdInternalFactor_TT: pdUnitFactor_MT: pdUnitFactor_TT: pdExternalFactor_MT: pdExternalFactor_TT: pdCharge_MT: pdCharge_TT: peSide: peIgnoreValidate: peTreatment: peLawType: peCantonType: pbstrEanNumberProvider: pbstrEanNumberResponsible: pbstrEanNumberSection: peMedicalRole: peBillingRole: peSettlement: pbstrMechanicCode: pdAnaesthesiaMin: pdNumAssistants: pdTP_Assistant: plHook: plAbortHook: pbStatus: |
longValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, longValue, "stringISODateValue", doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, longValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", longValue, longValue, longValue, "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, longValue, longValue, booleanValue |
[HTTP result status] | 200 | Return status 200 signals a successful method call | |
204 | Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached | ||
>= 400 | Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do. | ||
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[out] long | *plID | The internal ID of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrCode | The code of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrReferenceCode | The defined reference code of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrName255 | The full name of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrName35 | The short name (maximum of 35 characters) of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrNamePopular | The popular name of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdQuantity | The defined quantity of the currently focused service | |
[out] long | *plSessionNumber | The session number of the currently focused service | |
[out] DATE | *pdDate | The application date of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdTP_MT | The tax point of the medical part (TP_MT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdTP_TT | The tax point of the technical part (TP_TT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdInternalFactor_MT | The applied internal scaling factor of the medical part to the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdInternalFactor_TT | The applied internal scaling factor of the technical part to the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdUnitFactor_MT | The applied tax point value of the medical part (TPV_MT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdUnitFactor_TT | The applied tax point value of the technical part (TPV_TT) of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdExternalFactor_MT | The applied external scaling factor of the medical part to the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdExternalFactor_TT | The applied external scaling factor of the technical part to the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdCharge_MT | The charge of the medical part in CHF of the currently focused service calculated as ( Charge_MT = Quantity * TP_MT * TPV_MT * ExternalFactor_MT ) |
[out] double | *pdCharge_TT | The charge of the technical part in CHF of the currently focused service calculated as ( Charge_TT = Quantity * TP_TT * TPV_TT * ExternalFactor_TT ) |
[out] SideType | *peSide | The defined side type of the currently focused service | |
[out] YesNoType | *peIgnoreValidate | The flag indicating whether the currently focused service was ignored in validation (enNo) or not (enYes). | |
[out] TreatmentType | *peTreatment | The defined treatment type of the currently focused service | |
[out] LawType | *peLawType | The law type applied to the currently focused service | |
[out] CantonType | *peCantonType | The canton type applied to the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrEanNumberProvider | The defined GLN of the provider of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrEanNumberResponsible | The defined GLN of the responsible physician of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrEanNumberSection | The defined GLN of the section of the currently focused service | |
[out] MedicalRoleType | *peMedicalRole | The defined medical role type of the currently focused service | |
[out] BillingRoleType | *peBillingRole | The defined billing role type of the currently focused service | |
[out] SettlementType | *peSettlement | The defined settlement role type of the currently focused service | |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrMechanicCode | The defined mechanic code of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdAnaesthesiaMin | The defined minutes of an anaesthesia of the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdNumAssistants | The number of assistants needed for applying the currently focused service | |
[out] double | *pdTP_Assistant | The tax points (TP) for the assistant part of the currently focused service | |
[out] long | *plHook | The hook of the currently focused service | |
[out] long | *plAbortHook | The abort hook of the currently focused service | |
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL | *pbStatus | Boolean return status | |
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