How to print webstamps onto a nursing care credit request

To print a webstamp onto a nursing care credit in the generalCreditRequestManager use a special print object name (cf. "Syntax of the printTemplate variable" for an overview).

as a print object name on the printTemplate variable of the IGeneralCreditRequestManager::Print method.

In its simplest form the IGeneralCreditRequestManager::Print method looks like:

     BSTR bstrPrintTemplate = "(WEBSTAMP="+bstrBMPFile+";)";
in order to print a webstamp onto the first page of the "Bedarfsmeldung".

Since the webstamp printing is not the primary purpose of the Print method this feature has NO error propagation. The generation is done on a best effort basis, errors are only dumped into the log file!

Boundary conditions:

  • No error propagation
  • The supplied BMP webstamp must exist