API browser of generalInvoiceRequest450 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IServiceExInput interface V4.50/ 2 Sep 2016 
The utility interface IServiceExInput provides methods for the input of data basically used in special validators like the tarmedValidator. Among these data are the dignities of the providers as well as other parameters like the Tarmed specific invoicing roles needed just to operate these validators. space
/images/arrow_right.png Methods 23 methods
AddDignity Adds a Qualitative Dignity to the list of dignities for a certain provider.
AddSection Adds a section/location to the list of sections
AddToken Adds a token/value pair to the list of tokens
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetDignities Method for collecting all dignity data covered by the IServiceEx interface and returned as JSON array
GetFirstDignity Retrieves the first Qualitative Dignity from the list of dignities
GetFirstSection Retrieves the first section/location from the list of sections
GetFirstToken Retrieves the first token/value from the token list
GetNextDignity Retrieves the next Qualitative Dignity from the list of dignities
GetNextSection Retrieves the next section/location from the list of sections
GetNextToken Retrieves the next token/value from the token list
GetPatient Retrieves the patient's primary parameters (sex, birthdate) supplied for the utility interface IServiceExInput.
GetPhysician Retrieves the provider's primary parameters (EAN, medical and billing role) supplied for the utility interface IServiceExInput.
GetSections Method for collecting all section data covered by the IServiceEx interface and returned as JSON array
GetTokens Method for collecting all token data covered by the IServiceEx interface and returned as JSON array
GetTreatment Retrieves the primary treatment parameters (EAN, medical and billing role) supplied for the utility interface IServiceExInput.
InitDignity Initializes and empties the Qualitative Dignity set that is filled via the AddDignity method.
Initialize Initializes some static data (physician, treatment, patient) that are set via the Set-methods of IServiceExInput
InitSection Initializes and empties the section/location set that is filled via the AddSection method.
InitToken Initializes and empties the token/value set that is filled via the AddToken method.
SetPatient Sets the patient's primary parameters (sex, birthdate) for the utility interface IServiceExInput.
SetPhysician Sets the provider's primary parameters (EAN, medical and billing role) for the utility interface IServiceExInput.
SetTreatment Sets the primary treatment parameters (EAN, medical and billing role) for the utility interface IServiceExInput
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 3 properties
[put] DestructServiceExInput Destructs/invalidates this IServiceExInput interface instance
[get/put] ExternalFactor_MT Gets/Sets the external scaling factor of the medical part of an extended service
[get/put] ExternalFactor_TT Gets/Sets the external scaling factor of the technical part of an extended service