The ATL COM module generalInvoiceRequest is capable of
generating electronic and printed invoices & reminders
generating electronic and printed invoices & reminders
API browser of generalInvoiceRequest450 COM module
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This method has a Restful Webservice representation only! Method for collecting all extended service records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array. Please note that IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetServicesEx takes over the functionality of the iterator pair IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetFirstServiceEx / IGeneralInvoiceResult::GetNextServiceEx with a single call, making the latter superfluous. |
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[POST] | /baseURL/IGeneralInvoiceResult/GetServicesEx | ||||||||
[JSON input data] | pIGeneralInvoiceResult: | longValue, //interface address |
[JSON result array] | { pbstrTariffType: pbstrCode: pbstrReferenceCode: pdQuantity: plSessionNumber: pdDateBegin: pdDateEnd: peSide: pbstrText: pdUnitMT: pdUnitFactorMT: pdUnitInternalScalingFactorMT: pdAmountMT: pdUnitTT: pdUnitFactorTT: pdUnitInternalScalingFactorTT: pdAmountTT: pdAmount: pdVatRate: peIsObligatory: pbstrRemark: plGroupSize: pbstrSectionCode: peIgnoreValidate: plServiceAttributes: peTreatmentType: pdExternalFactorMT: pdExternalFactorTT: pbstrProviderEAN: pbstrResponsibleEAN: peBillingRole: peMedicalRole: plID: pbStatus: |
"utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, longValue, "stringISODateValue", "stringISODateValue", longValue, "utf8StringValue", doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, longValue, "utf8StringValue", longValue, "utf8StringValue", longValue, longValue, longValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", longValue, longValue, longValue, booleanValue }, |
[HTTP result status] | 200 | Return status 200 signals a successful method call | |||||||
204 | Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached | ||||||||
>= 400 | Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do. | ||||||||
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[out] BSTR | *pbstrTariffType | The official tariff type as defined by Forum Datenaustausch | |||||||
[out] BSTR | *pbstrCode | The service code. | |||||||
[out] BSTR | *pbstrReferenceCode | The reference code.
The reference code might be empty since not all services request one. |
[out] double | *pdQuantity | The floating point quantity.
Note that quantity changes the sign if a storno request is produced. |
[out] long | *plSessionNumber | The session number.
If the used tariff does not support a session concept than 1 should be defined on input. |
[out] DATE | *pdDateBegin | The date of the service's prescription | |||||||
[out] DATE | *pdDateEnd | The date of the last prescription of the service if and only if the service was applied over a period of time.
dDateEnd=0.0 is returned for all cases where no end date of the prescription was defined. |
[out] SideType | *peSide | The body side dependency of the service | |||||||
[out] BSTR | *pbstrText | The name of the service as defined by the used tariff | |||||||
[out] double | *pdUnitMT | Tax points of the medical part (TP_MT) of the service. | |||||||
[out] double | *pdUnitFactorMT | Tax point value of the medical part (TPV_MT) of the service. | |||||||
[out] double | *pdUnitInternalScalingFactorMT | The internal scaling factor of the medical part of the service.
This is a modulation factor to represent percent services and is mostly 1. |
[out] double | *pdAmountMT | The amount in CHF for the medical part of the service.
Note that amount changes the sign if a storno request is produced due to the sign change of dQuantity. |
[out] double | *pdUnitTT | Tax points of the technical part (TP_TT) of the service. | |||||||
[out] double | *pdUnitFactorTT | Tax point value of the technical part (TPV_TT) of the service. | |||||||
[out] double | *pdUnitInternalScalingFactorTT | The internal scaling factor of the technical part of the service.
This is a modulation factor to represent percent services and is mostly 1. |
[out] double | *pdAmountTT | The amount in CHF for the technical part of the service.
Note that amount changes the sign if a storno request is produced due to the sign change of dQuantity. |
[out] double | *pdAmount | The amount in CHF of the service as sum over dAmountMT + dAmountTT
Note that amount changes the sign if a storno request is produced due to the sign change of dQuantity. |
[out] double | *pdVatRate | The VAT rate as real number that was applied to this service. | |||||||
[out] YesNoType | *peIsObligatory | Obligatory enumerator indicating whether the given service record has a obligation status regarding the given law (UVG,KVG,...).
If the enumerator is set to enObligationAutomatic then the status is set internally using some ad hoc rules. |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrRemark | An optional remark for the given service | |||||||
[out] long | *plGroupSize | lGroupSize defines the participating group size of a service whose quantity is calculated by the "Divisor Method". A value of < 2 means that there is no group size dependency! | |||||||
[out] BSTR | *pbstrSectionCode | An optional BfS section code where the service was applied as defined by Swiss Federal Statistical Office - this code is only given for eRoleType=enRoleHospital! | |||||||
[out] YesNoType | *peIgnoreValidate | Flag indicating whether the validation must be ignored that is whether the corresponding validator must be called or not.
This flag might be useful in the following situation: the user wants to add the service even if the validation failed, perhaps he has a special agreement with the insurance or patient. |
[out] long | *plServiceAttributes | lServiceAttributes is a 32-bit integer where each bit position defines a special information.
Defined bit positions as of February 2021
[out] TreatmentType | *peTreatmentType | The type of treatment (ambulatory or stationary) defined by the IServiceExInput::SetTreatment method. | |||||||
[out] double | *pdExternalFactorMT | The external scaling factor of the medical part used to scale the tax point value e.g. to give a discount
Note that due to backwards compatibility the external scale factor of the medical part is defined with the IServiceExInput::ExternalFactor_MT property |
[out] double | *pdExternalFactorTT | The external scaling factor of the medical part used to scale the tax point value e.g. to give a discount
Note that due to backwards compatibility the external scale factor of the technical part is defined with the IServiceExInput::ExternalFactor_TT property |
[out] BSTR | *pbstrProviderEAN | EAN number of the service provider party defined by the IServiceExInput::SetPhysician method. | |||||||
[out] BSTR | *pbstrResponsibleEAN | EAN number of the service responsible party defined by the IServiceExInput::SetPhysician method. | |||||||
[out] BillingRoleType | *peBillingRole | The ServiceExInput-relevant billing role applied for this service defined by the IServiceExInput::SetPhysician method. | |||||||
[out] MedicalRoleType | *peMedicalRole | The ServiceExInput-relevant medical role applied for this service defined by the IServiceExInput::SetPhysician method. | |||||||
[out] long | *plID | This is the returned internal ID of the service record. | |||||||
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL | *pbStatus | Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE the end of data is reached | |||||||
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