API browser of generalInvoiceRequest450 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IGeneralInvoiceResult interface V4.50/ 2 Sep 2016 
The IGeneralInvoiceResult interface allows to read back all data that have been set by the IGeneralInvoiceRequest interface or by loading a previously generated XML infoset with the IGeneralInvoiceRequestManager::LoadXML method. space
/images/arrow_right.png Methods 56 methods
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetBalance Retrieves the balance information.
GetBfSRecords Method for collecting all BfS records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetBiller Retrieves the biller's various identifiers (EAN, ZSR,...) as well as the structured address
GetCard Retrieves the patient's insurance card information
GetCaseDetails Method for collecting all case detail records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetCredit Retrieves the optional credit object reference parameters
GetDebitor Retrieves the debitor's EAN identifier as well as the structured address
GetDiagnoses Method for collecting all diagnoses records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetDocuments Method for collecting all document data covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetEmployer Retrieves the employer's various identifiers (EAN, RegNumber) and the structured address of the employer
GetEsr Retrieves the ESR information of type en9to16or27 or en9to16or27plus
GetEsrQR Retrieves the ESR information of type enEsrQR or enEsrQRplus
GetEsrRed Retrieves the ESR information of type enRedPayinSlip (red payin slip)
GetEsrRedQR Retrieves the ESR information of type enRedPayinSlipQR (red payin slip with QR code)
GetEsrType Retrieves the type of ESR.
GetFirstBfSRecord Retrieves the first BfS record from the list of BfS records
GetFirstCaseDetail Retrieves the first case detail record from the list of case details  -  case detail are possibly defined for stationary DRG cases only!
GetFirstDiagnosis Retrieves the first diagnosis from the list of diagnoses
GetFirstDocument Retrieves the first document from the list of documents
GetFirstGrouperRecord Retrieves the first Grouper record from the list of Grouper records
GetFirstInstruction Retrieves the first instruction from the list of instructions
GetFirstService Retrieves the first "simple/normal" service from the list of services
GetFirstServiceEx Retrieves the first "extended" service from the list of services
GetFirstVat Retrieves the first VAT information
GetGrouperRecords Method for collecting all DRG grouper records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetGuarantor Retrieves the guarantor's structured address
GetInstructions Method for collecting all instruction records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetInsurance Retrieves the insurance's EAN as well as the structured address
GetInsured Retrieves the insured's primary parameters as well as the structured address
GetInvoice Retrieves the invoice object reference parameters
GetLaw Retrieves the data about the applied law and its dependent information
GetNextBfSRecord Retrieves the next BfS record from the list of BfS records
GetNextCaseDetail Retrieves the next case detail record from the list of case details  -  case details are possibly defined for stationary DRG cases only!
GetNextDiagnosis Retrieves the next diagnosis from the list of diagnoses
GetNextDocument Retrieves the next document from the list of documents
GetNextGrouperRecord Retrieves the next Grouper record from the list of Grouper records
GetNextInstruction Retrieves the next instruction from the list of instructions
GetNextService Retrieves the next "simple/normal" service from the list of services
GetNextServiceEx Retrieves the next "extended" service from the list of services
GetNextVat Retrieves the next vat information
GetPackage Retrieves the identification parameters of the main software
GetPatient Retrieves the patient's primary parameters (sex, birthdate, SSN) as well as the structured address
GetProcessing Retrieves the defined processing information that are in effect at the site of the last intermediate.
GetProvider Retrieves the main provider's various identifiers (EAN, ZSR,...) and the structured address
GetReferrer Retrieves the referrer's various identifiers (EAN, ZSR,...) and the structured address
GetReminder Retrieves the reminder object reference parameters
GetRequest Returns the primary parameters of the request, namely the language the data is supplied, the "storno" and "copy" status besides an optional remark.
GetServices Method for collecting all simple service records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetServicesEx Method for collecting all extended service records covered by the IGeneralInvoiceResult interface and returned as JSON array
GetTiers Retrieves the type of remuneration, that is either Tiers Garant (TG) or Tiers Payant (TP)
GetTransport Returns the transport information that is the routing information going from a sender (from) over at least one intermediate (via) to the receiver (to)
GetTreatment Retrieves the basic treatment parameters.
GetXtraDRG Retrieves additional input for a DRG service if and only if a 3-party splitting situation was described in the input!
GetXtraDrug Retrieves additional drug input data for the defined service record if eRoleType=enRolePharmacist
GetXtraHospital Retrieves the additional treatment parameters requested if eRoleType=enRoleHospital and/or ePlaceType=enPlaceHospital
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 1 properties
[put] DestructGeneralInvoiceResult Destructs/invalidates this IGeneralInvoiceResult interface instance.